Monster High Marisol Coxi Student Exchange Review

Hello everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

As I wrote earlier this week
I am planning on reviving my blog and today I will start with a wonderful new addition
to my collection.

When I saw the first pictures of Marisol,
I was kind of meh about her … but BOY – was I WRONG !
This girl is so many kinds of awesome … but let me show her to you
so you can make up your own minds ๐Ÿ™‚

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Marisol is the daughter of the Maricoxi,
which is a kind of the South American Bigfoot / sasquatch.
She comes from Monster Picchu inย  ” Boorรบ” … ๐Ÿ˜€


She comes with her diary and her “passport”.

I especially like her artwork on the box and her own blurbs about her :

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But now lets get to Mari herself ..
here she is still in her box.
It was really hard to get her out of her cardboard prison –
she had not 2, but 3 tags in her headย  ( why does Mattel keep doing this ?? So annoying ! )

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The backdrop of her box
is mostly orange with prints that look like stones and school lockers.

And here she is in all her beauty,
freed from her prison ๐Ÿ™‚

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Isn’t she fabulous ?

She comes with a black stand, a black brush, a green handbag that opens and
her diary.


Marisol has the “big sister” body
but she is by far the tallest Monster High doll EVER.
here she is with my Clawdia and Nefera for comparison


Marisol has longer legs than the other girls.

But now to her best feature ( in her own words … )
Her feet !
And man – what feet they are .. ๐Ÿ˜€

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There is NO WAY those feet will EVER fit in any regular Monster High shoes ..
so I hope for a fashion pack or another Marisol doll in the future,
because this girl is amazing.

Marisol is able to share clothes with the other big sisters though.

Most of her being taller then the other big sisters
comes from her legs –
they are endless .. ๐Ÿ˜€


Marisol has a beautiful, serene face.
Her skin tone is a very pretty lavender / grey-ish purple.
Very different to her promo shots.
Her head mold is fantastic !

She has a very cute nose and a little dimple in her chin.
Her eyes are lavender coloured and her make up is mostly pink and green.

She has heavy, purple eye brows and pink lipstick.

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Her clothes are the only thing that I am not that fond of,
to be honest.
She wears a strapless one piece dress,
with a plain pink top and a ruffled, 2 tyered skirt.
the skirt features footprints in green ,black and pink.
She also comes with an orange shrug, that is really just ugly .. ๐Ÿ˜€
but it also features little footprints.

This dolls feels really different than other Monster High dolls.
She is really heavy and sturdy,
with her huge feet and her strong, sturdy legs.
I absolutely like the feel of this doll.

She features the same hand mold as Abbey,
but her hands are massively bigger.
they are even bigger than Casta Fierce’s hands !
Mari has some cute fur at her arms, too

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and of course she towers over Abbey ๐Ÿ˜€

Marisol also wears a little green top hat,
that is tagged into her hair in 3 places .. :/


Marisols Hair is a mixture between different purples and pinks,
and she has 2 neon green braided strands,
one on each side of her head.
the green braids are decorated with orange plastic tassles.

And here is another picture of this girls impressive feet ๐Ÿ˜€
I think it is really cute
that her toes stick out of her shoes a little …
its just the little extra-over the top that I love so much in Monster High !


Alright … that was Marisol Coxi ๐Ÿ™‚

Please let me know what you think of her …
do you like her as much as I do ?
Will she join your collection ?

Even if you are unsure about her …
definitely get her !
She is like NOTHING else in your Monster High collection.
Definitely a winner ! ๐Ÿ™‚


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